Paulina Masevnina


Photographer and Visual Artist Brno, Czech Republic

Paulina Masevnina is a Russian visual artist currently based in the Czech Republic. She is studying intermedia art at FAVU ( Faculty of Fine Arts VUT Brno). For the past year, Paulina has been performing and slowly getting into creating multimedia installations and turning her body of work into different physical forms. With that still, photography is the main media she is focused on at the moment.

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Back in 2015 when I started doing photography, my main direction was fashion and portraits. I never tried to work with any inanimate objects. After a couple of years, I realized that I have a huge interest in capturing nudity, working with a naked body seemed so natural and crucial to me, as I have been living in Russia, and it was not easy to do. A couple of years later I moved to the Czech Republic and since that time I’ve been exploring all possible contexts of erotic and porn art from the perspective of the female artist by capturing purely naked bodies having sex or looking for non-sexual ways to reveal intensity and depths of intimacy and desire.


‘Mostly I am inspired by intimacy and intensity in different contexts, from the most personal to political. If I had to name a few themes that drive my artistic practice they would be ⎯



‘New East’’

Paulina Masevnina


With people, I attempt to build non-verbal dialogue through photography. observing, capturing, and even possessing them. Sex is the most intense and brute purpose of living and experiencing the body.


New east topics reveal memories from the ages I have spent in Russia, confronting and rethinking the image of masculinity and all the taboos around sexuality.


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