Kim Jae Min


Photographer Seoul, South Korea

Kim Jae Min is a photographer born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, where he is also currently based. He is on a quest to find new stories for his photographic research, while traveling and discovering new places around the country.

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Kim is interested in photographing portraits and people, so even when he shoots still life or a street, he will still try to convey the trace of a person or something that hints at his presence. Kim usually draws his inspiration from walking through mountains, parks, beaches, and small alleys in search of images that can convey signs of human presence.


‘Recently I had a thought that all people are artists in a way. Every person has an idea or a vision of beauty in their life. I'm trying to surround myself with those people.’

Kim Jae Min


Every time I take a photo, I try to stop and think: what do I love? What am I interested in? I'm constantly trying to convey myself and my essence through photography. It's one of the hardest parts of my work, but it is also the driving force behind it.


I recently started to think that I would like my work to influence people, transforming their thoughts through my ideas and concepts. To achieve this, I’ll need to work more on understanding the role of photography in my work through the search for new ideas and self-expression.


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