Darina Belonogova


Photographer and Producer    Berlin, Germany

Darina Belonogova is a self-taught photographer and producer based in Berlin. Her journey with photography began when her mother handed her a film camera during a visit to her hometown of Karachaevsk, nestled in the Caucasus mountains. Surrounded by the stunning natural beauty of the region, she felt deeply inspired, and it seems that her first conscious shots were taken there.

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After moving to Moscow, Darina Belonogova began working as a freelance photographer. Since 2017, she has collaborated with local brands, shot for magazines, and focused on portrait photography. In 2021, she resumed shooting on film after a long break, marking a turning point in her work.

Film photography opened up new perspectives and visual approaches, allowing her to further develop her style, color palette, and vision. Since relocating to Berlin over a year ago, she feels as though she is starting over, which has given her the opportunity to reassess her work and rebuild her creative approach.


I enjoy working across different genres, and my versatility allows me to connect with clients from various fields. In a single week, I might shoot business portraits on film for psychotherapists, followed by a fashion shoot with a talented team. I fully immerse myself in every aspect of my projects, often taking on production tasks, location scouting, and casting.

This approach allows me to align closely with the vision of the shoot and achieve the best possible results. I am deeply inspired by wild nature and modern architecture. As Berlin is still new to me, I continue to explore the city, and I may eventually create a series of images that capture its essence.


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