Mirielle Alina Rohr


Photographer and Creative Director    Paris – Berlin

Mirielle A. Rohr is an artist and photographer born and raised in Berlin. She completed her B.A. in Communication Design at FH Potsdam in Germany and held her first solo exhibition in Berlin shortly after, focusing on a project about young people suffering from chronic illnesses. Following this, she assisted photographer Eoin Moylan for a year. To further advance and challenge her practice, she enrolled in the M.A. program in Photography at L'École cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ECAL) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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In 2023, she co-founded a fashion and still life photography duo with film director Alcibiade Cohen, named STUDY FROM LIFE. They were finalists for the Picto Fashion Photography Prize 2024 and have been published in magazines such as SLEEK Magazine, Teeth Magazine, and Badlon Magazine.


Mirielle A. Rohr’s work centers on people and the connections forged through shared experiences, as well as on questioning herself and the world around her. She focuses on intimate human relationships and their stories, using performative and photographic expression to find metaphors for contemporary society. Drawn to the physicality of things, she exclusively photographs on analog film, creates color prints in the darkroom, and often incorporates different materials into her photography, which is reflected in her sculptural works.


She is currently focusing on two main areas of development. The first is her artistic work, where she aims to use her art to bridge personal and shared experiences, encouraging others to reflect on their relationship to the specific cultural issues she addresses. The second area involves expanding the network for the fashion and still life photography she creates alongside Alcibiade Cohen under the name STUDY FROM LIFE.


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