María Viñas


Photographer and Art Director Madrid, Spain

María Viñas is a photographer and art director based in Madrid, Spain. She always had a passion for art, specifically focusing on small details of life, freezing them in time, and playing with them. She studied Fine Arts in Madrid and spent a year in Saarbrücken, Germany. Since she finished her degree, María worked as an art director in advertising, while exploring the medium of photography in parallel.

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She links photography to Duchamp's 'Infrathin’: a term that describes the fragile events drawn from everyday experience that are sharply defined by the Infrathin themselves, like the warmth of a chair when you get up from it, or a caress. I find it challenging and comforting to cherish the pause in the daily hustle and bustle, and appreciate the subtleties of life.


‘To occupy the lost instant. I try to find a space where I can rest my gaze and feel at ease. Empowering the detail, recovering the sensoriality, and seeing within the capturing of the ephemeral moment that I am exactly where I want to be.’


From my personal work to fashion shoots, I like to explore different ways of looking and finding delight in the little things without the need to give it a heavy discourse beyond being present in the moment, in the little things, and in the gesture. I try to find a home.


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