Marta Rubio


Photographer     Madrid, Spain

Marta Rubio is a Spanish Photographer and Artist based in Madrid. Over the past years, she has lived in different cities around the world, such as Madrid, London, New York, and Tokyo. These places have contributed to enriching her work as well as her creative process. She has collaborated with different brands and publications related to art, fashion, and photography. Currently, Marta works mainly in the fashion industry, focused on sustainable projects that allow her to bring her artistic vision to each of them.

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I started my photography career in Japan some years ago. I lived there for about five years, so the influence of the Japanese country on my work is remarkable. My work has this aura of tranquility and nostalgia — very unique to Japan.


When I shoot a portrait, I like to capture that special gesture between moments that describe the person's true personality and essence or just a fleeting moment when the sunlight reflects off an object or place in a special way that no one notices. I am very lucky to be able to capture moments and simple everyday scenes full of beauty and meaning.


When I take a picture, I always try to capture something profound and heartfelt, translating a concept into a narrative. I like to set myself apart from traditional fashion photography by creating a story around each image, highlighting overlooked details, and giving them a new meaning. I'm all about timeless, quiet beauty, revealing fleeting moments that go unnoticed and celebrating ordinary details.


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